News Archives from 1999 ______________________________________________________________ [Jump to Amiga] [Jump to Windows] [Jump to Mac] [Jump to Misc] ______________________________________________________________ Amiga 3 October 1999 - Amiga - VirusChecker II v2.5 Available System Requirements: All Amigas with OS2.04 or higher, plus the xvs.library along with the included Brain v3.0 or better. The archive is named vht-vc25.lha, and can be found on the downloads page. 14 September 1999 - Amiga - VT English Docs Available The archive is named VTDocsEng.lha, and can be found on the downloads page. 16 August 1999 - Amiga - VT v3.16 Available System Requirements: All Amigas with OS2.04 or higher. The archive is named vt316k.lha, and can be found on the downloads page. 16 August 1999 - Amiga - VT v3.16 German dok Available The archive is named vt316dok.lha, and can be found on the downloads page. Top of Page Windows No 1999 news available Top of Page Macintosh No 1999 news available Top of Page Miscellaneous 21 August 1999 - VHT-Netherlands in the UK announces it has had a facelift. Announcement on the UK site, by the UK webmaster, James: The VHT-NL site has been extensively reworked, as it previously looked quite primitive. New graphics, including a new sitemap, have been introduced, and the "banner" frame at the top has been made smaller. Also, the hit counter has been moved to the "nav" frame on the left, which makes the site much better, both to use and to look at. I hope to get all the contact information and virus killer links in by Sunday. But, however long it takes, it will be reported here. 28 May 1999 - VHT-Netherlands Announces it is launched in the UK. Announcement on the UK site, by the UK webmaster, James: The VHT-NL Homepage is now open! It can be accessed at Here, you can recieve the latest versions of virus checkers, and the latest virus information including advice on how to recognise them, how to prevent them, and how to cure them. Top of Page Back to the News Archives page