News Archives from 2001 (Apr 01 - Apr 30, 2001) ______________________________________________________________ [Jump to Amiga] [Jump to Windows] [Jump to Mac] [Jump to Linux] [Jump to Misc] ______________________________________________________________ Amiga 28 April 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.16 Released Jan Erik Olausen released another new version of VE. The archive is named VirusExecutor216.lha, and can be found on the downloads page by following the above link. For changes since last version, see the readme file. 28 April 2001 - E-Mail and Webpage Changes for Dirk and Andrew Dirk Stöcker, author of such programs as CheckX, VirusZ II/III, XAD and XFD Master libraries, has a change in e-mail and url. * New email address: * New home page url: Andrew Bell, author of the official GUI for the XAD package, also has a change of e-mail and url. * New email address: * New home page url: 25 April 2001 - VHT-DK Update: Installer Of Linkvirus BOBEK Found Virus Help Denmark reports the archive (OozeAGA.lha) was on Aminet for a very short time, but it has been removed now. If you have installed the OozeAGA archive on your system, then get get the only antivirus program that can remove the 'BOBEK' virus from memory and files, and that is 'VirusExecutor v2.15'. VHT-Denmark says thanks to Frank Nieviedzial for sending the archive to them and JEO, author of VE says thanks to Trevor Daley for sending a mail saying he found the aminet source of the Bobek virus with VirusExecutor :) Follow the above link for virusupdate - file is named vht-dk99.lha. * Click here for VHT-DK Virus Warning vht-dk99 Readme * VirusExecutor v2.15 updated for BOBEK link-virus * Subscribe online to the VHT-DK Virus Warnings Announcement list. 25 April 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.15 Released Jan Erik Olausen released his virus killer that's meant to be easy to use There's no 'advanced' options in the program that you almost never use anyway. This doesn't mean that VirusExecutor lacks of power! The new VE version is called Virusexecutor215.lha, and can be found by following the above link. Changes since last version: - Added internal removal of the new Bobek link virus - Improved error output from xadmaster.library when checking archives - Requiers xadmaster.library v9.0 instead of v10.0 Gee, I wonder when Jan (JEO), has had time to sleep ;) The xad.library can be found here at vht-can. Please consider registering your copy of Dirk Stoecker's XAD Shareware package. If you have purchased AmigaOS3.9, you already have the xad library. The xadmaster.library v9.0 is available in the Archive Section. * XAD Downloads Available here. Pick whichever XAD matches your CPU. xadmaster.library v10.0 [000] [020] [060] 24 April 2001 - VHT-DK Warning: New Link-virus "BOBEK" Found Virus Help Denmark reports a new link-virus has been found, the installer is still unknown, we are looking for it. This new virus will add 460 bytes to every file that is opened or executet. That also means that even an antivirus program (that the virus is unknown to), will infect every file it checks for virus. The new virus patches dos.library ExNext function to spread it self. The new virus has been given the name "BOBEK", this is the text you can read in the end of every infected tile. At this time there is no cure to this virus, but we hope to have an update of VirusExecutor ready later today, to fix this virus. Since the time of the vht-dk alert, VE had been updated to v2.14. Follow the above link for viruswarning - file is named vht-dk98.lha. * Click here for VHT-DK Virus Warning vht-dk98 Readme * VirusExecutor v2.14 updated for BOBEK link-virus * Subscribe online to the VHT-DK Virus Warnings Announcement list. 24 April 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.14 Released Jan Erik Olausen released his virus killer that's meant to be easy to use There's no 'advanced' options in the program that you almost never use anyway. This doesn't mean that VirusExecutor lacks of power! Changes since last version: Added and improved some things as highlighted in the readme file. JEO also included a note: "Because of the new Bobek virus I had to release this version of VirusExecutor. Hope it works with the xadmasterlibrary ;)" 21 April 2001 - VHT-DK Request: We Need Your Help !!!! Virus Help Denmark says "We are looking for the installer of the new linkvirus "Bastard". We are not sure what program or archive that installs this new linkvirus. So if you find any infected files with this "Bastard" virus or even better the installer, please send them to us. At this time only VirusExecutor v2.13 or Safe v15.3 can find this new virus. The Bastard linkvirus, hacks VirusChecker, so when you think you are checking for virus, infact the hacked VirusChecker infect the files that is beeing checked." * Click here for VirusExecutor v2.13 * Click here for Safe v15.3 * Click here for test made by 'Zbigniew Trzcionkowski' the programmer of 'Safe' 21 April 2001 - Safe v15.3 Released Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski released his latest freeware virus dicovering system. Safe informs about attack and removes virus from memory if possible. The archive is named Safe153.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. Zeeball has a new Safe verification program in the Bonus directory. Works great, as I have already tried it. The readme lists what is new for v15.3. 19 April 2001 - CheckX v1.84 Available Dirk Stöcker released his latest version of CheckX which can scan large files which fit not in memory (but can be handled by XAD). The archive is named checkx184.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. 19 April 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.13 Released Jan Erik Olausen released his virus killer that's meant to be easy to use There's no 'advanced' options in the program that you almost never use anyway. This doesn't mean that VirusExecutor lacks of power! Changes since last version: A lot! Find the complete list in the Readme File. The archive is named VirusExecutor213.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. 18 April 2001 - Help Out VirusExecutor Amiga.Org reports that VirusExecutor is now the #1 Amiga virus checker. Its updated often but VE is only as reliable as its information. If you use VirusExecutor and it doesnt know of some of the patchs you use then please send in as much information as you can about the error and data in ram to the author. The more patchs that are known, the higher the chance you will spot a virus on your system. A few examples of patchs and applications which may need adding includes BlizKick, OxyPatcher, and Miami. If you can help, Please do. * VirusExecutor at VHT-Canada * VirusExecutor at VHT-Denmark 17 Apr 2001 - VEPatchBrain v1.31 for VirusExecutor Available Jan Erik Olausen has released a new PatchBrain v1.31, for his viri checking program VirusExecutor. This brain file can be used with any VE 2.xx version. Changes since last version: Added: WB2Fast v1.0, PowerWB v0.8, PrintManager 39.31, CleverWin 37.9, RAWBInfo 1.24 and RAWBInfo 1.28 16 April 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.12 Released Jan Erik Olausen released his virus killer on Easter Sunday. VE is meant to be easy to use. There's no 'advanced' options in the program that you almost never use anyway. In this new update of VE, the new TCP trojan that was on the loose Saturday, will be found. 14 April 2001 - VHT-DK Warning: HitchHiker Infected Archive Found Virus Help Denmark reports another infected archive has been found. The archive is infected with "Hitch-Hiker 4.11". All the big antivirus programs can find HitchHiker 4.11 linkvirus, so there is no problem there. VHT-Denmark says Thanks to Squeaky for sending the archive. Follow the above link for viruswarning - file is named vht-dk97.lha. * Click here for VHT-DK Virus Warning vht-dk97 Readme Subscribe online to the VHT-DK Virus Warnings Announcement list. 13 Apr 2001 - VEPatchBrain v1.30 for VirusExecutor Available Jan Erik Olausen has released a new PatchBrain v1.30, for his viri checking program VirusExecutor. This brain file can be used with any VE 2.xx version. Changes since last version: fastlayers.library v40.48, rtg.library 40.3945 + 40.3992 12 April 2001 - Safe v15.2 Released Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski released his latest freeware virus dicovering system. Safe informs about attack and removes virus from memory if possible. The archive is named Safe152.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. At this time only Safe v15.2 can find the the polymorphic virus that hacks VirusCheckerII in memory to make it infect all files You check. 10 April 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.11 Released A new update of 'VirusExecutor' has been released today. It can find and remove any of the TCP trojan's that was found yesterday. Follow the above link to get the VirusExecutor211.lha file. 10 April 2001 - Safe v15.1 SE Released Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski released his latest freeware virus dicovering system. Safe v15.1 SE can find the virus that is reported in the Virus Warning vht-dk96. The archive is named Safe151se.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. 10 April 2001 - VHT-DK Warning: New Linkvirus Found A new link virus has been found. The virus is polymorphic and hacks VirusCheckerII in memory to make it infect all files you check. The virus is very well coded as for the things we see these days. At this time only Safe v15.1 SE can find the virus. Follow the above link for VHT-DK's virus-warning about this new liinkvirus. File name vht-dk96.lha. * Click here for VHT-DK Virus Warning vht-dk96 Readme 10 April 2001 - Safe v14.9 Back on Downloads Page Due to the TCP trojan's that have been found on Aminet, the Safe v14.10 was since been removed from our site. Safe v14.9 has now been moved from our archives page, and back on our main Downloads page. I have also removed the news item from yesterday, stating the release of v14.10. 10 April 2001 - VHT-DK Warning: TCP Trojans Inside Aminet Files * This is an update to the previous post where only 3 files were reported as infected at that time. The vht-dk warning is called vht-dk95.lha and found by following the above link. Virus Help Denmark reports that four archives with TCP trojan's has been found on Aminet today. The four archives reported at vht-dk are: fblit.lha - v 3.84 - 142.086 bytes Safe.lha - v14.10 - 20.737 bytes stackattack.lha - v 1.2b - 69.229 bytes BlazeWCP.lha - v 1.8 - 32.862 bytes If you have installed one or more of these archives, then delete the files you have installed. All of these archives has a new TCP trojan inside, and the trojan will send an e-mail to Haage & Partner, with a stupid text. Virus Help Denmark hopes to have a cure for these trojan later tody, so please check back here or at VHT-Denmark Amiga News. Virus Help Denmark have been able to get some clean versions of the fake archives, so if if you have installed one or more of the fake archives you can download the clean archives by following the links on their Amiga News page above. Aminet says that as a protest against this abuse of Aminet, they will shut down their services on "" and "" until Friday. * Click here for VHT-DK Virus Warning vht-dk95 Readme 09 April 2001 - CheckX v1.83 Available Dirk Stöcker released his latest version of CheckX which can scan large files which fit not in memory (but can be handled by XAD). The archive is named checkx183.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. 09 April 2001 - Aminet Virus Warning says it has come to our attention that three files, BlazeWCP.lha, FBlit.lha, and StackAttack.lha (possibly others) have been uploaded to the Aminet. If you downloaded said files, please do not install them. Virus Help Denmark should have a fix shortly. A report also came in about the StackAttack.lha from Petr V., a subscriber to the viruschecker2, anti-virus mailing list. 09 April 2001 - Says: Thanks for your patience The new is shaking itself out on a new server, thanks to the very generous contributions of Emmett Plant, an outgoing community advocate best known for his work in the Linux and Open Source communities. 08 Apr 2001 - VEPatchBrain v1.29 for VirusExecutor Available Jan Erik Olausen has released a new PatchBrain v1.29, for his viri checking program VirusExecutor. This brain file can be used with any VE 2.xx version. Changes since last version are found in the readme file. 06 Apr 2001 - VEPatchBrain v1.28 for VirusExecutor Available Jan Erik Olausen has released a new PatchBrain v1.28, for his viri checking program VirusExecutor. This brain file can be used with any VE 2.xx version. Changes since last version are found in the readme file. 05 April 2001 - CineReal Demonstrating At The Ottawa Business Show CineReal Pro-Video will be demonstrating the CinePack at the Ottawa Business Show on April 11, 2001. In booth #7005. CineReal is our local Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Amiga Dealer. Visit Ottawa Business Show here. For more on our local dealer, visit CineReal Amiga Dealer. 04 April 2001 - xfdmaster.library v39.12 / Rel1.35 Available Dirk Stoecker released his latest xfd library. The archive is named xfdmaster135.lha, and can be found on the downloads page by following the above link. The older version has been moved to the Archives Section. 04 April 2001 - xadmaster.library v10.0 Released Dirk Stoecker released his latest XAD sharware library. There are now, three seperate archives to choose from, each one packed for your specific CPU. They can all be found on the downloads page by following the library links. The older version has been moved to the Archives Section. The Developer lib is available on Aminet. xadmaster.library [000] xadmaster.library [020] xadmaster.library [060] 04 April 2001 - New April Poll Open at Virus Help Denmark Virus Help Denmark now has a new poll started. Please visit the poll page and make your vote. 04 April 2001 - Gary Peakes' Explanation On AMIGA OPEN Amiga.Org reports that Gary Peake wrote an article in AMIGA OPEN, explaining various announcements at AMIGA expo in St Louis. 01 April 2001 - Grasshopper LLC Bought SoftLogik's Assets In the "PageStream Winter 2001 Newsletter", Deron mentions the sale of SoftLogik's assets to the newly formed company, Grasshopper LLC back in August 2000. On Feb 23, 2001, they completed the move to the new ISP. This was news to me since I do not frequent the PageStream site, nor have I seen a post about the sale and ISP move on any of the newssource sites that I visit. 01 April 2001 - No April Poll At Virus Help Denmark Virus Help Denmark says there will be no poll in April, Click here for Results of Last Virus Help Denmark Poll Top of Page Windows 30 April 2001 - Using Microsoft Internet Explorer MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that during the "Security Update, March 3, 2000" download from the Microsoft Windows Update Product Catalog, this error may have erupted: "Download and Installation Failed." The error is provoked if the version of Internet Explorer used for the download didn't have the High Encryption Pack installed. To correct the problem, download the High Encryption Pack by clicking here. The link can be found in the bug report. 30 April 2001 - F-StopW Is Now Included In F-Prot for Windows ! Frisk Software International says the Windows NT / 2000 version of F-StopW is now available and included in both the trial version and registered version of the F-Prot for Windows (FP-WIN) package. F-Prot is now equipped to provide all the necessary tools to keep your system secure from malicious programs, worms and viruses. * Read more about F-Prot for Windows (FP-WIN) package * Download Page for downloading the Trial version of FP-WIN * Order Page for F-Prot for Windows [Secure Order Form] 29 April 2001 - Anti-piracy Company Sues Microsoft InterTrust, one of several companies providing technology to protect songs and videos from being illegally copied, sued Microsoft Thursday, saying the giant's music and video software illegally infringes its patent rights. Report by 27 April 2001 - Conflict with Microsoft Windows Media Player 7 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that according to Microsoft, a conflict between Windows Media Player 7's Adaptec CD-Burning Plug-in and CD burning software already installed on a Windows 98 or 98SE system may abend the system when rebooted. To work around this snafu, remove the Adaptec CD-Burning Plug-in from Windows Media Player. Read the bug report to get to the link with the instructions. 26 April 2001 - Microsoft Announced Some hotfix Files Are Infected The @stake Security News says Microsoft has announced that various hotfix files provided to it's Premier Support customers and Microsoft Gold Certified Partners, have been infected with the Funlove virus. This a not a new virus and should have limited impact for those people that are using Antivirus software. But that fact that an old virus got past the hotfix deployment and checking procedures, is a concern. Many people will implicitly trust these files as they are from the software vendor themselves, a "trusted source". What if it were a new virus or trojan? * @stake Security News * Symantec write-up on the FunLove virus 26 April 2001 - Security Flaw in MS Internet Information Services 5 MSNBC Bug Of The Day says that there is a security flaw in Microsoft WebDAV (distributed authoring and versioning) that affects Internet Information Services 5.0. Because of the flaw, IIS is vulnerable to a denial of service attack that would temporarily cause CPU time to go to 100 percent for the duration of the attack. Microsoft is working on a fix. In the meantime, read the bug report for a workaround. 26 April 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4135 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4135, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4135 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 25 April 2001 - Beware of the Internet-worm "Stator" Kaspersky Lab has a virus alert that warns users of the discovery "in the wild" of the first Internet-worm, going by the name of "Stator," utilizing the popular e-mail client "The Bat!" in order to spread. It gains access to the database, searches for the e-mail addresses contained there, and sends out its copy to them in the form of an attachment to an e-mail. The worms copy contains the name "photo1.jpg.pif". The message body is written in Russian in the Cyrillic alphabet. The translated text appears as follows: Hello! Your address was given to me by a common friend of ours (the first address that came to his mind) I am a newcomer to the Internet and have just got this mailbox! So this is the very first time I am writing an e-mail!!! He said that if I had any questions, I could ask you... I am pretty cute and sociable. (have a look at the photo) I'm waiting for a reply from you!!! Write me a bit about yourself and what you would like to know about me. Good bye! Good bye! :))))))))) Sveta Kovaleva The worm also installs itself to the system and infects a few files in the system, as well as sends passwords and other confidential information out of the computer. To hide its activity the worm displays a JPEG image of a girl. 25 April 2001 - Bug of the Day Front Page MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that: * April 25: Security flaw in Microsoft Internet Information Services 5 There is a security flaw in Microsoft WebDAV (distributed authoring and versioning) that affects Internet Inmation Services 5.0. Because of the flaw, IIS is vulnerable to a denial of service attack that would temporarily cause CPU time to go to 100 percent for the duration of the attack. Microsoft is working on a fix. Read the bug report for details of a workaround. * April 24: Patches for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 Microsoft has released patches for Internet Explorer 5.01 and 5.5, as well as Windows Scripting Host 5.1 and 5.5. The patches plug up a security hole that enables an attacker to determine the location of cached content that has been downloaded by IE. With the knowledge of the location, the attacker could cause malicious code to be executed on the computer, with damages limited only by the attacker's imagination. Read the bug report to links to the patches and mor details. * April 23: Connecting to the Net with Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5 Connecting to the Internet using Microsoft Outlook Express (5 or 5.5 for Windows 98, and 4 or 5.5 for Windows 95) may trigger one of these errors: "MSIMN performed an illegal operation", or "MSIMN caused a general protection fault in module TAPI.DLL". The culprit: The Telephon.ini file is missing or damaged. To fix the problem, rebuild the Telephon.ini file. read the bug report for instructions. 25 April 2001 - How To Secure Instant Messaging MSNBC Tech News says Instant messaging is popular and convenient. You can get a quick yes or no from a colleague without even leaving your desk. But, unfortunately, convenience has its price. An innocent chat with a co-worker using your favorite instant messaging software could expose you to eavesdroppers or make it possible for someone to send you malicious code. Fortunately, plug-in antivirus help is now available for users of Yahoo or MSN's instant messaging services. 25 April 2001 - New def. File For F-Prot Available Virus Help Denmark announced on Apr 21st, that a new def. file for F-Prot has been released. Find the new update on the VHT-DK Downloads Page. 25 April 2001 - IPE AntiVirus Update Number 1192 Available Computer Associates (CAI), announced in their Apr 24th, 2001 Newsletter, that the new update kit for the signature file used in InoculateIT Personal Edition AntiVirus (Current IPE version 5.2), has been uploaded to the Computer Associates web site for you to download. It is recommended that once you have downloaded and installed an update that you do a virus scan of all the files on your system and create a new reference disk for your system. 20 April 2001 - IPE AntiVirus Update Number 1189 Available Computer Associates (CAI), announced in their Apr 19th, 2001 Newsletter, that the new update kit for the signature file used in InoculateIT Personal Edition AntiVirus (Current IPE version 5.2), has been uploaded to the Computer Associates web site for you to download. It is recommended that once you have downloaded and installed an update that you do a virus scan of all the files on your system and create a new reference disk for your system. 20 April 2001 - Bug of the Day Front Page Latest Bugs MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that * Windows Class IDs Create Vulnerability Security analyst Georgi Guninski has recently shown, malicious users can play a devastating trick on Windows systems using a CLSID extension, and thereby disguise a potentially dangerous COM object as a lowly .TXT file. * April 19: Sending A Fax With Symantec WinFax PRO 10 Trying to send a fax from another application may be an impossible feat using any of these Symantec products: TalkWorks PRO 2 and 3, and WinFax PRO 9 and 10. Read the bug report to get instructions for a fix. 19 April 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4134 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4134, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4134 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 19 April 2001 - New def. File For F-Prot Available Virus Help Denmark announced on Apr 18th, that a new def. file for F-Prot has been released. Find the new update on the VHT-DK Downloads Page. 18 April 2001 - Matcher: Yet Another Offspring of Melissa Virus Kaspersky Labs warns computer users about the discovery "in-the-wild" of the Internet-worm "Matcher" that spreads via e-mail. 18 April 2001 - Exporting Intuit QuickBooks 2001 Reports MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that when a QuickBooks 99, 2000, or 2001 report is exported to Microsoft Excel with the Auto-Outline on, some of the columns may not have a slider to collapse the column. Read the report for what Intuit has to say. 16 April 2001 - E-mail Errors With Microsoft Outlook 2000 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that if Microsoft Outlook 2000 is installed as the mail client with the Internet Mail Only option turned on, trying to send and receive e-mail may trigger an error. Read the bug report to find out the error msg and how to work around this glitch. 16 April 2001 - New def. File For F-Prot Available Virus Help Denmark announced on Apr 13th, that a new def. file for F-Prot has been released. Find the new update on the VHT-DK Downloads Page. With this new def.file you are safe from the new worm BadTrans. 12 April 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4133 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4133, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4133 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 12 April 2001 - The "Logic" in this is Nothing Special Its Just a Proof-of-Concept Malicious Code. Kaspersky Labs firmly states that this Internet-worm still has not yet been found "in-the-wild," and poses absolutely no threat to the majority of computer users, simply because, in order to be activated, "Logic" requires the Logo interpreter to be installed on the target systems (for example, SuperLogo for Windows). Therefore, the worm's possible existence is severely limited by the dearth of computers that have the Logo interpreter installed. 12 April 2001 - Bug of the Day Front Page Stories Some of MSNBC latest reports * April 12: Printer problems with Microsoft Me Using a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet 3200C scanner may cause a computer running Windows 95, 98, or Me to stop responding for a period of 3 to 5 seconds several times every hour, says Microsoft. Read report for workaround. * April 11: Hyperlink trouble with Microsoft Excel 2001 According to Microsoft, hyperlinks will work as anticipated if an Excel 2001 (for Macintosh) workbook is created that includes hyperlinks from one worksheet location to a cell on a different worksheet in the same workbook. But if the workbook is saved as a Web page, and the page is opened in a browser, the hyperlinks may fail. To prevent this snafu, make certain that the hyperlink information is properly written into the Web page. * April 10: When McAfee VirusScan 5.1 locks up According to McAfee, VSMAIN may freeze on a Windows NT 4 Service Pack 3 and 2000 system while running VirusScan 5.1x. To resolve the problem, try this: 1) Select Start, Settings, Control Panel 2) Choose the VirusScan icon 3) Select the Stop button -- this prohibits VirusScan from running in the background, and 4) Click the button when it reads "Start" to load vshield. 10 April 2001 - IPE AntiVirus Update Number 1181 Available Computer Associates (CAI), announced in their Apr 9th, 2001 Newsletter, that the new update kit for the signature file used in InoculateIT Personal Edition AntiVirus (Current IPE version 5.2), has been uploaded to the Computer Associates web site for you to download. It is recommended that once you have downloaded and installed an update that you do a virus scan of all the files on your system and create a new reference disk for your system. 09 April 2001 - Update Of F-Prot v3.09 Is Available Virus Help Denmark announced on Apr 5th, that a new update of F-Prot v3.09 has been released. They say you can find the new version on their VHT-DK Downloads Page. There is also a new def. File For F-Prot as well. 09 April 2001 - A Time Bomb Called "Magistr" Kaspersky Labs are issuing a second warning about the threat this malicious code poses. As is known, exactly 1 month since the day of the first computer infection, Magistr deletes all files from local and network disks, discards the CMOS memory settings and destroys data in FLASH BIOS microchips. Taking into account that the first reports about infection with this virus were received in the middle of March, Kaspersky Labs expects a real avalanche of destructive incidents by Magistr to happen in the middle-end of April. As a result, Magistr can cause the loss of important information and infect computer hardware. April 2001 - McAfee Asks: Is your engine up-to-date? Network Associates, Inc. (NAI), posted an important announcement. Attention! Are you using an old scan engine numbered 4050 or lower? Why does the scan engine need to be upgraded? As mentioned above, new application platforms are continuously being developed that allow virus writers to write code to attack new file types. Therefore, new scanning technology is needed to counter new threats. Upgrading your anti-virus product to the latest engine ensures you have the most comprehensive virus detection and cleaning possible. 09 April 2001 - Bug of the Day Front Page Latest Stories MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports: * Top 15 tax software bugs Given the complexity of our current tax code, we are impressed that these packages work at all. No one can argue that tax software doesn't provide an invaluable service, but nobody's perfect. * TurboTax long form lapse For those with more demanding long form needs, TurboTax's refusal to allow the use of negative numbers in the recapture of Section 179 expense deductions makes the process even longer -- but only if filing electronically. * Accessing RAM with Kiplinger TaxCut 2000 If a Windows 95/98 system is experiencing problems accessing Random Access Memory (RAM), a General Protection Fault message or an Except EGP Fault error may erupt while running Kiplinger TaxCut 2000 on a Windows 95/98 based computer. H& Block Solutions suggests one of these solutions should correct the problem: 1) Shutdown and reboot the computer, or 2) Close any unnecessary programs. 05 April 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4132 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4132, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4132 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 04 April 2001 - IE Security Hole Launches E-Mail Attachments Hackers ZDNet syas a flaw in Microsoft's browser could leave computers vulnerable to malicious attack 04 April 2001 - MSNBC: Bug of the Day Front Page Items MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports * April 4: When Microsoft FrontPage 2000 crashes Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions may allow a malicious user to send a specially malformed form submission and crash an Internet Informa- tion Server (IIS). Read the bug report for information on obtaining a fix. * April 3: Browser trouble with Microsoft Windows Me If the Headlight GetRight utility is installed on a Windows Me-based computer running Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 1, accessing some Web pages may cause the computer or browser to hang. Read the bug report for the best bet to correct the problem. * April 2: Installing Microsoft Visio 2000 When trying to install Microsoft Visio 2000, the Accept radio button is missing from the Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) dialog box. Read the bug report for the work around. 01 April 2001 - VHT-DK Added Page With Virus Screenshots Virus Help Denmark says they have added another new page today. The page is about screenshots of viruses. Now you can see what the viruses looks like, without you having them on your system. The screenshots is from Datafellows. You can find the Page About Virus Screenshots Here!!. 01 April 2001 - Uploading Photos With MSN Picture It MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that uploading a photograph to the Microsoft Web site may trigger a blue screen error if the Upload Control on your computer is outdated. Read the Bug of the Day to find out the workaround. Top of Page Macintosh 27 April 2001 - Apple iBook Famine Feeds Upgrade Rumours The Register reports Apple's iBook consumer-oriented notebook appears to be in rather short supply at the moment, fuelling speculation that a new version of the machine will be unveiled at the company's 1 May "Special Event". 26 April 2001 - When Microsoft Word 2001 For Mac Hangs MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that adding a scrolling text object to an HTML document in Microsoft Word 2001 for Macintosh may cause the program to hang under these circumstances: The document includes an HTML object (i.e. a Submit or a Reset button) and a scrolling text object is added that overlaps the edge of the form containing the HTML object. Read the bug report to find out how to avoid the problem. 18 March 2001 - PGP Security Delivers Mac Client Support A Network Associates company, PGP Security, introduced Virtual Private Networking (VPN) client software that will enable Intel VPN Gateways to support the Mac Operating System. 18 April 2001 - Apple Lawyers Attack MacOS 8.x Skinning Code The Register reported that Apple has demanded the open source Mac Themes Project remove its MacOS theme editor from public servers. The Mac maker alleges the code contributes to infringement of intellectual property by allowing users to improperly copy its trademarks and copyrights. 16 April 2001 - Unreadable Text With Microsoft Word 2001 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that some text may be superimposed and unreadable when trying to print a Word 2001 (Macintosh version) document after switching themes, says Microsoft. This behavior is triggered when all of these conditions are met: the new theme uses a different font, the document wasn't saved before trying to print, and the printer is a PostScript or QuickDraw. Read the bug report for the workaround. Top of Page Linux 30 April 2001 - Closer look at Sony Linux Kit for PS2 Daily news has a link, that takes a look at the Sony PlayStation 2 Linux kit. "Sony selected Linux to help game developers simulate the PlayStation 2 so they could get a jump on creating games before the actual hardware was available." 26 April 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for April , 2001 has been published. Some of the Security topics include Pre-release advisories, OpenSSL update, new vulnerabilities in KFM, NEdit, SAFT/sendfile, and innfeed. 20 April 2001 - Embedded Linux Newsletter Published Daily news says this weeks summary of the Embedded Linux market- place has been posted at Topics this past week included Inder Singh's view of the ELC Platform Specification and a sneak peek at Linux based cellphone/PDAs. 19 April 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for April 19, 2001 has been published. Security issues covered include Red Hat mkpasswd password generator, new vulnerabilities in IPTables, Samba, cfingerd, bubblemon and more. 16 April 2001 - CRYPTO-GRAM Newsletter Published Weekly announced that Bruce Schneier's CRYPTO-GRAM newsletter for April is out. It covers computer security from a military defensive point of view, the fake Microsoft certificates, and more. 12 April 2001 - Linux-Viruses: An Unpleasant Surprise or a Forecast That Came True? Predictions regarding a world epidemic of Linux-viruses have come true in the first quarter of 2001. Report from Kapersky Labs. 12 April 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for April 12th, 2001 has been published. Security topics include Adore's kernel module and a way to protect against loadable kernel modules, ntp and Netscape vulnerabilities. 09 April 2001 - Embedded Linux Newsletter for Apr. 5, 2001 Daily news reports the summary for the past week in the embedded Linux marketplace has been published by The Embedded Linux Newsletter this week covers Rick Lehrbaum's "State of Embedded Linux" talk at the Colorado Linux Info Quest and Wind River's acquisition of BSDi, among other stories. 09 April 2001 - PGP Security's NAI Labs Partner With NSA Daily news reports NAI Labs, a division of PGP Security, announced they are joining with the National Security Agency (NSA) and its other partners to further develop the NSA's Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) prototype. The $1.2 million deal will be paid over the life of the two-year contract, and the work will focus on research and develop- ment to improve the security of open-source operating system platforms 05 April 2001 - Installing Corel WordPerfect Office 2000 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that installing and running the original release of Corel WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux requires the system script called "run-parts" for smooth sailing. Some Linux distributions (including Caldera, SuSE, and Mandrake) lack the script. Read the Bug Report for the fix. 05 April 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for April 5th, 2001 has been published. Some of the security topics cover Adore a worm, Engarde Secure Linux, No backdoor in the Linux kernel, new vulnerabilities in BEA Weblogic and Tomcat, plus other topics. 01 April 2001 - Caldera Announces Name Change Daily news says upon the completion of the merger between Linux seller Caldera Systems and the Unix products and services of the Santa Cruz Operation, the combined company will change its name to Caldera International, Caldera Systems said Monday. Top of Page Miscellaneous 30 April 2001 - Latest Hackers ZDNet Specials Hackers ZDNet has a couple of security articles * May Day hysteria unfounded, say activists Net activists speak out against May Day panicmongering by security firms * High-Tech Crime Unit ignores May Day hacking threat One week after the NHTCU declined invitations to attend the UK's biggest computer security conference, it admits that it will not protect firms from May Day hacking action * DeCSS code-crack dispute back in court Is code free speech? Hollywood and a hacker zine are headed back before the judges over the right to post the DeCSS code for cracking DVDs online 29 April 2001 - E-Mail Tax HOAX Resurfaces In Australia Infowar.Com News says Australia Post has had to publicly refute an e-mail message circulating around the Australian Internet after the old hoax has continued to spiral out of control Down Under in spite of the efforts of the media and the Australian government to put it to death. 29 April 2001 - Technology Front Page at MSNBC MSNBC Tech News has a copuple of interesting articles: * NASA fixes computer, robot arm After four days of furious work, NASA overcame crippling computer problems at the international space station on Saturday, clearing the way for the space shuttle to leave the station and allow a Russian Soyuz rocket carrying the world's first paying space tourist, millionaire Dennis Tito, to arrive on time. * Napster judge asks for clarification A federal judge hearing the recording industry's case against Napster, said Friday that unless an appellate court clarifies its ruling in the case, she can't force the online song-swapping service to identify and remove all copyright music files. 29 April 2001 - China to Give U.S. Access to Spy Plane Yahoo! Daily News says China announced Sunday it would grant U.S. inspectors access to an American spy plane stranded on Hainan Island, and U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney hailed the move as "very positive." 27 April 2001 - Symantec Reports: Playboy Girls HOAX Symantec Security's site says this information is a hoax and should be ignored. Sample of hoax message located at the Inside Information Systems webite at The english translation of the MS announcement is available in Symantec hoax report. 27 April 2001 - Sony Puts Linux on PlayStation 2 MSNBC Tech News says officials at Sony's UK offices confirmed on Thursday that the company is to release an official version of Linux to run on the PlayStation 2. However, it will only be compatible with Japanese versions of the console at this stage. * Linux Weekly News Article: Sony Tests Linux On PlayStation 2 27 April 2001 - Hackers Win Argus Security Challenge Story at Wired says a security firm that claimed it couldn't be hacked can't make brash statements anymore. Argus admitted that a group from Poland has won the fifth Argus Hacking Challenge, but the security company said it screwed up in choosing an operating system. 27 April 2001 - Music Industry Bars SDMI-cracking Research Hackers ZDNet says the music industry's Secure Digital Music Initiative is threatening legal action against those who wanted to publish the results of a cracking challenge The Register also has an article that says Princeton University Computer Science Professor Edward Felten, who has credited himself and his team with cracking the SDMI Public Challenge, has once again wussed-out after threatening to do something frightfully daring like publish the results of his research. * Register Article: SDMI crack team scurries away in fear again 26 April 2001 - F-Secure Reports: Nokia Cellphone Radiation HOAX F-Secure asks that you please ignore these messages and don't spread them any further. This hoax is about some new Nokia models giving out much higher amounts of radiation compared to previous ones. This is a typical cancer or radiation warning hoax, there's no truth in the story. No deaths or injuries caused by mobile phone radiation have been reported. 26 April 2001 - Symantec Reports: SULFNBK.EXE Warning HOAX Symantec Security's newest information on Virus Hoaxes, reports that this email hoax has been reported in Brazil. The original email is in Portuguese. Symantec has the original and also followed by an English translation. They ask that you please ignore any messages regarding this hoax and do not pass on messages. Passing on messages about the hoax only serves to further propagate it. 26 April 2001 - Chinese and American Hackers Waging Private War SANS Institute has a security story that says the an American cracker group PoizonBOx has defaced at least a hundred Chinese websites since April 4. Chinese hackers are now vowing to retaliate with a planned week-long all-out crack attack on American websites and networks which will start on May 1. Follow the above link to the wired story. The wired story says Chinese crackers have been encouraging each other to "Hack the USA" in retaliation for the mid-air collision between a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet which claimed the life of Chinese pilot Wang Wei. * SANS Institute: Information Security Reading Room * Wang Wei Memorial Board Reminder: If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. 25 April 2001 - PGPi News: PGP 7.0.3 Hotfix 1 Available Pretty Good Privacy International, (PGPi) says this hotfix corrects a bug in the Windows version of PGP 7.0.3 which made it possible for an attacker to create a .sig file containing a DLL and trick PGP into loading this DLL instead of the system DLL. This hotfix will force the PGP component DLLs to always load from the directory they were installed in. Additionally, it will force a "Save As" dialog for any extracted files with a .dll, .sys, or .vxd extension. * Hotfix .zip file: 25 April 2001 - New Data-Security Software Product Line Kaspersky Labs introduces the new product line of its award-winning data-security software suite Kaspersky Anti-Virus. The new range of products reflects the company's new approach to the strategy of product marketing that implies maximum orientation to the specific needs of end-users. 25 April 2001 - Putin Meets Russia's Computer Industry Elite On April 13, Russian president Vladimir Putin met with representatives of Russia's major information technology companies in the Kremlin, with each of the ten directors presenting a report on specific segments of the industry. In particular, Kaspersky Labs CEO, Natalya Kaspersky, represented the area of computer security. Follow the link for KLabs press release. 25 April 2001 - Hackers ZDNet Special News Items A few interesting articles posted * Police secure records with Baltimore encryption PKI from Baltimore will provide computer security for the Metropolitan police * Hacking threat goes mobile New technologies will make portable computers the target of denial of service attacks, while PDAs and phones will become increasingly vulnerable to viruses * End to email viruses may be nigh The Ministry of Defence says it has the perfect solution to email viruses - stop them before they can spread * FBI nabs Russian hackers Federal authorities indict two Russians, who allegedly broke into networks at several e-commerce sites, ISPs and banks 24 April 2001 - NewTek to Debut Video Toaster [2] at NAB 2001 has this story: LAS VEGAS, NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) Conference, April 19 /PRNewswire/ -- NewTek, manufacturer of industry-leading video and 3D animation products, today announced that it will debut Video Toaster [2], its revolutionary desktop video effects, editing and live switching system at the 2001 NAB Conference (booth #S4837), being held here April 23 through April 26. The company also announced the final feature list, pricing and shipping dates for the much-anticipated PC-compatible successor to the original Amiga-based Video Toaster. 20 April 2001 - Virus Help Team Canada [VHT-CAN] At Amiga.Org Amiga.Org has added us to their Amiga List. We are in the Product Support Pages category. If you would like to rate our site as a good site, use this link to the voting page: Rate VHT-Canada at Amiga.Org! If you rate us as terrible, or not so good, please use your back button to come back here, and fill in our Contact Form to make suggestions for improvements. Feedback is the only way we can know if something is not to your liking. Thankyou. 20 April 2001 - #35,000 For Hackers To Crack Web Server Hackers ZDNet reporter Will Knight, says a live hacking competition that begins Friday Apr 20th in London, is intended to publicise the UK's lackadaisical attitude to security. US-based security firm Argus Systems Group will offer the prize money to any hacker that can penetrate its PitBull security software, which is used commercially to secure Web sites from intruders. This is the last in a series of four hacking stunts. 20 April 2001 - Attrition: Latest Hacked Web Sites On the Mirrored Sites list, that I thought were interesting, are: * 01.04.19 Massachusetts Institute of Technology hacked by insanity zine * 01.04.12 Calabria Restaurant hacked by shellcode. 20 April 2001 - Kaspersky Introduces Anti-Virus for Palm OS Kaspersky Lab announces the release of a fully functional version of its world-famous, award-winning Kaspersky Anti-Virus for the Palm operating system. Considering the great loss for Palm users that may be caused by an unexpected epidemic, Kaspersky Lab has decided to protect its customers before a real global virus attack strikes," said Natalya Kaspersky, Kaspersky Lab CEO. 20 April 2001 - Chinese Crackers Declaring Week-Long "Crack Attack" Hacker News Network, reports on the Wired article, and says cracker activity between American and Chinese groups is escalating following the collision of two military aircraft over international waters. Now, Chinese cracker groups are planning a week-long attack starting May 1. 20 April 2001 - CERT To Sell Web-threat Alerts MSNBC Tech News has a Wall Street Journal article that says is part, one of the U.S. government's front-line defenses against cyber-sabotage, will begin selling its early warnings about the latest Internet threats, something it used to share only with federal agencies. It traditionally has waited at least 45 days after it learns about new Internet threats to warn consumers, in order to give software companies time to repair problems. 19 April 2001 - Redirect: Settings Changed Once again our redirection service, courtesy of, had to be changed. A few minor changes had to be made for some links. 18 April 2001 - Suffers Site Outage MSNBC Tech News says the news site knocked offline for two hours. For the second day in a row, a major Internet news site was temporarily knocked offline. 18 April 2001 - Macromedia Flash May Become Unstable MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that across all platforms, Macromedia Flash may become unstable when Apple QuickTime 5 Public Beta Preview is installed. To avoid problems, remove QuickTime 5 Public Preview, and reinstall QuickTime 4. 18 April 2001 - Former Warner Bros Boss Faces Challenge At Yahoo! The Globe And Mail Tech News reports that Yahoo Taps Hollywood. Struggling Yahoo Inc. picked Hollywood veteran Terry Semel as its new chief executive officer and chairman yesterday and said he is expected to diversify the Internet portal's advertising-dependent business. 12 April 2001 - Kaspersky Anti-Virus Gets the Highest Mark Kaspersky Anti-Virus is victorious in tests conducted by the popular German computer magazine "Tomorrow." The affordability and high quality of Kaspersky Anti-Virus were the determining factors in the editorial staff's choosing and recommending KL Anti-Virus as the most effective and efficient means of protecting computers against viruses. 12 April 2001 - Software Mix-ups With Handspring Visor MSNBC Bug Of The Day says according to Handspring, some older Palm OS software may conflict with the Backup Module on Visor devices. Update to the latest version of the application software to correct the problems. 09 April 2001 - Software Mix-ups With Handspring Visor MSNBC Bug Of The Day says according to Handspring, some older Palm OS software may conflict with the Backup Module on Visor devices. Update to the latest version of the application software to correct the problems. 05 April 2001 - CineReal Demonstrating At The Ottawa Business Show CineReal Pro-Video will be demonstrating the CinePack at the Ottawa Business Show on April 11, 2001. In booth #7005. CineReal is our local Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Amiga Dealer. Visit Ottawa Business Show here. For more on our local dealer, visit CineReal Amiga Dealer. 05 April 2001 - F-Secure Reports: ERICELL enginer HOAX This is English translation of a Swedish hoax about someone posing as telecom engineer. F-Secure asks that you please ignore these messages and don't spread them any further. 05 April 2001 - Technology Front Page Stories From MSNBC MSNBC Tech News has a few interesting articles * Napster downloads surge, despite file-blocking The hugely popular song-swapping service Napster saw traffic surge in the last week of March, even as the Internet site scrambled to block trade in copyrighted material, a study said Wednesday. * MIT makes course materials free over Internet The Massachusetts Institute of Technology plans to make the materials for nearly all its courses freely available over the Internet in the next 10 years. * No coins? Dial a Coke instead Coca-Cola tests new vending machine service in Australia. In the first trial of its kind in Australia, Telstra Corp. Ltd, Australia's largest telecoms carrier and global drinks giant Coca-Cola Co. are testing a new service called Dial a Coke. It lets Telstra mobile customers grab a drink from a vending machine and have the A$2 (US$0.97) billed to their phones. Coke is running a similar trial in Chile. 05 April 2001 - DShield: Top 10 Targetted Ports Updated has updated it's list of the top 10 most probed ports. Their Internet Primer explains what the terms mean. You may also want to check Port 53: Hottest Scanned Port Of The Day and More about Port 53. 04 April 2001 - Symantec Reports: Foot N Mouth Virus Warning HOAX Symantec Security's information has been updated April 2nd on this hoax. Please ignore any messages regarding this hoax and do not pass on messages. 04 April 2001 - April Fool Hack Attack Hits Microsoft Hard VNU Business Publications reports it looks like the joke was on Microsoft on 1 April, with 88 of a reported 103 defacements taking place on web- sites based on Windows NT servers, mostly combined with some version of IIS. Various big-name UK sites were hit as part of a mass April Fool hack attack, including Burger King, which has only just recovered from a hacker grilling a month ago, HSBC, Dunhill and BT. 04 April 2001 - Hackers News Specials at ZDNet Hackers ZDNet more interesting articles include * Big business at risk as hackers go under cover Corporate networks face hidden danger, as hackers get cloaking device * Hackers turn to worms Hackers and script-kiddies are increasingly using worms to wreak havoc and make the Internet a much less friendly place Top of Page Back to the News Archives page