News Archives from 2001 (May 01 - May 31, 2001) ______________________________________________________________ [Jump to Amiga] [Jump to Windows] [Jump to Mac] [Jump to Linux] [Jump to Misc] ______________________________________________________________ Amiga 30 May 2001 - Safe v15.7 Released Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski released his latest freeware virus dicovering system. Safe informs about attack and removes virus from memory if possible. The archive is named Safe157.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. 25 May 2001 - Amiga Show in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) Press Release from says on July 28 and 29, will be hosting the Ottawa Amiga Show, the first Amiga show in Canada since May 1998. The location of the show has not been settled, but as soon as that information is available, we will make it available on our website. Amiga Inc. has already agreed to have a presence at the show and will be on hand with announcements, demonstrating what the new OS has to offer everyone and answer questions. The Ottawa Amiga Show is the first Canadian computer show that Amiga Inc. has attended in over three years. * Click here to visit Website 24 May 2001 - Sharp Demonstrates Amiga DE Applications Amiga Inc. said Sharp demonstrated applications provided by Amiga for the AmigaDE system on their Zaurus hand-held computer at the 2001 Business Show in Tokyo, Japan. 17 May 2001 - Safe v15.6 Released Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski released his latest freeware virus dicovering system. Safe informs about attack and removes virus from memory if possible. The archive is named Safe156.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. 16 May 2001 - Amiga.Org Site News: AO Mailing List Now Available Amiga.Org reports that Amiga.Org says you can now check up on the latest news, using their new News Flash mailing list. Built as a one-way broadcast list, is now using AONEWS as a method to broadcast news stories to your mailbox, as they happen. Follow the link to find our how to subscribe. 16 May 2001 - Meeting Information posted the next meeting of will be May 16th, 7pm at the Royal Oak pub in Ottawa [Ontario, Canada]. That evening we will be discussing the possibility of having an Amiga show in Ottawa later this summer. We have some good news too (but you'll have to attend the meeting to find out what it is). Directions are on the website, which has moved to a new address: 13 May 2001 - Built With Amiga Site Not Closing Keith Blakemore-Noble, owner and operator of BWA website since 1997, posted on May 10th, 2001, "Good news, folks! I've found someone who is willing to take over the BWA site, so BWA will continue." 11 May 2001 - VEPatchBrain v1.34 for VirusExecutor Available Jan Erik Olausen has released a new PatchBrain v1.34, for his viri checking program VirusExecutor. This brain file can be used with any VE 2.xx version. For changes since last version, read the readme file. 10 May 2001 - Safe v15.5 Released Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski released his latest freeware virus dicovering system. Safe informs about attack and removes virus from memory if possible. The archive is named Safe155.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. 10 May 2001 - Report Any Internet Virus Supplying Sites To VHT-DK Virus Help Denmark asks in a May 9th news item, that if you find any internet site that spreads Amiga Virus, to please inform them about it. They have a convenient form you can fill in with the particulars of the site, and Jan, of VHT-Denmark assures your email WILL be kept a secret. * VHT-DK Reporting Form for Amiga Virus Spreading Websites 07 May 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.18 Released Jan Erik Olausen released a new version of his virus killer. The archive is named VirusExecutor218.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. For changes since last version, see the readme file. This version includes VEPatchBrain v1.33. 05 May 2001 - VHT-Denmark News: Amiga Virus Encyclopedia Virus Help Denmark said on May 3rd, "We have opened the first Amiga Virus Encyclopedia in the world. The pages will be updated much more in the future. This Amiga Virus encyclopedia has taken well over 4 weeks to make. We have a few ideas more for the encyclopedia, and will update the pages. We have a few problems with the search button, but that will be fixed also. So if you are looking for information about Amiga viruses, this is the page to look at. * Virus Help Denmark - Amiga Virus Encyclopedia 02 May 2001 - Unable To Access Site For the last few days, I have been unable to access the site run by Tobias Ander. It is this service that has given us our VHT-Canada redirection of 01 May 2001 - VirusExecutor v2.17 Released Jan Erik Olausen released his virus killer that's meant to be easy to use There's no 'advanced' options in the program that you almost never use anyway. This doesn't mean that VirusExecutor lacks of power! The archive is named VirusExecutor217.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. For changes since last version, see the readme file. 01 May 2001 - VHT-DK Update: Installer Of Linkvirus BASTARD Found Virus Help Denmark reports "What we think is the installer of the "Bastard" link virus has been found. It was on Aminet (and has been there for about 14 days), but it has been removed now. The archive 'Pointers.lha' (6874 bytes) is the installer for the BASTARD LINKVIRUS." Follow the above link for virusupdate - file is named vht-dk100.lha. * Click here for VHT-DK Virus Warning vht-dk100 Readme * Subscribe online to the VHT-DK Virus Warnings Announcement list. 01 May 2001 - Safe v15.4 Released Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski released his latest freeware virus dicovering system. Safe informs about attack and removes virus from memory if possible. The archive is named Safe154.lha, and can be found on the downloads page, by following the above link. Top of Page Windows 31 May 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4141 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4139, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4141 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 31 May 2001 - The Deceptive Safety of RTF Files Kaspersky Lab says a breach in a systems safety is not the biggest threat of RTF files. The main purpose of this article is to bring to light the danger awaiting users working with documents in RTF format, and to recommend the safest means for dealing with such a danger. 30 May 2001 - Macro.def for F-PROT Released Frisk Software International has a new Macro.def for F-PROT. This version of Macro.def was last modified/changed on: May 29 2001 * See for: 199Kb 30 May 2001 - IE Upgrade Cures Clinic Flaw MSNBC Bug Of The Day says according to McAfee, upgrading to Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 from 5.0 will prevent blank pages when downloading Clinic components. * Download IE 5.5 from here 24 May 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4140 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4139, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4140 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 24 May 2001 - Windows 95/98: Getting swamped when searching? MSNBC Bug Of The Day has an experiment for Windows 95 and Windows 98 users. It will show how "wildcard" searchs differ. 23 May 2001 - Why WordPerfect Is Not So Perfect MSNBC Bug Of The Day says opening a Corel WordPerfect document in MS Word 2002 may cause the WordPerfect Graphics Import 8.0 dialog box to pop up which in turn may hang Word. At the time of this writing, neither a fix or workaround was available to counter the Word file converter's inability to convert some WordPerfect Graphics files embedded in WordPerfect documents. 22 May 2001 - Virus HOAX Coaxes Users to Delete Files Kaspersky Labs has been receiving many messages from users about a new alarming and dangerous virus hiding in a SULFNBK.EXE file. Warnings about the pseudo-virus began spreading towards the end of last week, causing a real scare amongst users. Contrary to this report, the SULFNBK.EXE file is absolutely safe, and moreover is a part of the operating system included in the Windows delivery. It is necessary to convince users that this type of virus does not actually exist, and we classify this as a virus hoax. 17 May 2001 - IPE AntiVirus Update Number 1210 Available Computer Associates (CAI), announced in their May 16th, 2001 Newsletter, that the new update kit for the signature file used in InoculateIT Personal Edition AntiVirus (Current IPE version 5.2), has been uploaded to the Computer Associates web site for you to download. It is recommended that once you have downloaded and installed an update that you do a virus scan of all the files on your system and create a new reference disk for your system. * InoculateIT Personal Edition Homepage * InoculateIT Support 17 May 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4139 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4139, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4139 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 17 May 2001 - Updated .def Files Available for F-PROT Frisk Software International announced new Sign.def and Sign2.def files are availble. Also there is the file which contains only the file sign2.def without the sign.def file and, as a result, it is quite a bit smaller than both def files together. Note that this sign2.def file includes advanced generic detection capabilities which should hopefully enable F-Prot to find most future variants of the VBS/LoveLetter worm. The updates are available now at * May 17 2001 releases 746Kb plus fp-def.asc * May 17 2001 releases 119Kb 17 May 2001 - Sri Lankian Patriots Enter the Fray of Virus Writing Kaspersky Labs warns users about the detection of the latest Internet worm, "Mawanella", that was created by someone utilizing the virus writing kit VBS Worm Generator, which is better known as having been used to spawn the "Kournikova" virus epidemic at the beginning of this year. They say "Our technical support department has received several reports of this worm being detected 'in the wild'." 17 May 2001 - LoveLetter worm variant spams spies Hackers ZDNet says a new email worm, dubbed "VBS/LoveLet-CL" by UK antivirus company, Sophos, sends out messages from a victim's PC containing a list of words designed to trigger surveillance systems such as Echelon, which is the surveillance network that allegedly can scan e-mails and wireless communications for particular content. To date, the true capabilities of the system are unknown to all but intelligence communities. 17 May 2001 - Win ME Compression Passwords May Be Vulnerable MSNBC Bug Of The Day says for users who have password protected the Compressed Folders feature in Windows Me and Microsoft Plus! 98, be forewarned! Microsoft says that data compression passwords can be recovered by a malicious attacker. Read the bug of the day to find out how to prevent being exploited. 13 May 2001 - IPE AntiVirus Update Number 1205 Available Computer Associates (CAI), announced in their May 10th, 2001 Newsletter, that the new update kit for the signature file used in InoculateIT Personal Edition AntiVirus (Current IPE version 5.2), has been uploaded to the Computer Associates web site for you to download. It is recommended that once you have downloaded and installed an update that you do a virus scan of all the files on your system and create a new reference disk for your system. * InoculateIT Personal Edition Homepage * InoculateIT Support 12 May 2001 - VirusScan Version 4.x Emergency DATS Network Associates has EMDATS.ZIP and EMSCAN.ZIP available. These reduced size DATs should not be used with the full product. These files are not compatible with the older version 3 or version 2 SCAN! 11 May 2001 - Downloading Programs With Intuit QuickBooks 2001 MSNBC Bug Of The Day says when attempting to download a program or payroll update for QuickBooks 2001, Error 1002 may erupt using Microsoft Proxy. Read the bug report for the workaround. 11 May 2001 - Report Any PC Virus Spreading Internet Sites Virus Help Denmark asks "that if you find an internet site that spreads PC Virus please inform us about it. We have to try and stop the spreading of viruses, we know that it is almost impossible, but we must do something. We will make a list of the internet providers that have virus pages, and try to have them removed." All you have to do is to fill in the report form at vht-dk, and you have their assurance that your email WILL be kept a secret. 10 May 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4137 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4137, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4137 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 09 May 2001 - F-Prot .def Updates For The VBS/VBSWG.X Virus Frisk Software International says the new mass-mailing VBScript worm, VBS/VBSWG.X ("Homepage") - is spreading fast. You can now download the latest Sign.def and Sign2.def files - with it, F-PROT would also be able to recognize the virus by name and delete it. Also there is the file which contains only the file sign2.def without the sign.def file and, as a result, it is quite a bit smaller than both def files together. * Vht-Canada Note: See Virus Warning Page for info on VBSWG.X@mm 09 May 2001 - Updating to Adobe Photoshop 6 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that updating to Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 from here eliminates the problem of the network connection quitting when running Photoshop 6 in Microsoft Windows 2000. 08 May 2001 - Bug of the Day Front Page at MSNBC MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports: * May 8: Editing with Microsoft Word 2002 Complex formatting may be lost without any warning when a Microsoft Word 2002 Rich Text Format (RTF) WordMail message is edited in Outlook 2002, and then saved. Read the bug report to find out how to prevent the loss. * May 7: When Text to Speech stops talking According to Microsoft, the Text to Speech operation may pause in Excel 2002 when attempting to move the Text To Speech toolbar while the contents of the workbook cells are being "spoken" by Excel. Read the bug report to find a work around to this behavior. 05 May 2001 - Macro.def for F-PROT Released Frisk Software International has a new Macro.def for F-PROT. This version of Macro.def was last modified/changed on: May 04 2001 * See for: 198Kb 05 May 2001 - F-PROT and F-PROT for Windows v3.09a Released Frisk Software International has a new version of F-PROT and F-PROT for Windows v3.09a. Read more about FP-WIN Anti-virus Program here. See Download for details on how to get your own copy of F-PROT. The update has been available since April 5th and May 2nd, 2001 at * Apr 5 2001 releases 1272Kb plus fp-309.asc 6341Kb * May 2 2001 releases 1276Kb plus fp-309a.asc 5457Kb See update announcement at Virus Help Denmark News 03 May 2001 - IPE AntiVirus Update Number 1200 Available Computer Associates (CAI), announced in their May 2nd, 2001 Newsletter, that the new update kit for the signature file used in InoculateIT Personal Edition AntiVirus (Current IPE version 5.2), has been uploaded to the Computer Associates web site for you to download. It is recommended that once you have downloaded and installed an update that you do a virus scan of all the files on your system and create a new reference disk for your system. * InoculateIT Personal Edition Homepage * InoculateIT Support 03 May 2001 - DAT / SDAT 4136 McAfee Total Virus Defense Update DAT File for weekly v4x 4136, and SuperDat File for v4x 4140/4136 are now available on Network Associates website. Dr Solomon's VirusScan customers download here. For more information on the use of the dat files, please see the NAI's readme.txt. or download VirusScan v4.5 Admin Guide. 03 May 2001 - Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that according to Microsoft, an add-in in PowerPoint 2002 may not load or display in the list of add-ins unless the default Security Level setting is switched from High to Medium. Here's how to do that: 1) Go to Tools, Macro, Security, Security Level Tab, and; 2) Choose Medium, and OK. 03 May 2001 - News Department Latest articles: * Windows XP anti-piracy feature cracked Crackers have already found a way to get round Microsoft's registration protection scheme for Windows XP, before the software has even launched * Pirates steal Microsoft Media Player code Microsoft has threatened legal action against the software pilferers responsible for extracting codes from a Windows XP beta version that has become available on a number of websites. 02 May 2001 - MSNBC TechNews: Microsoft Admits Serious Security Flaw MSNBC Tech News says Microsoft Corp. issued a widespread warning Tuesday about a security vulnerability that puts millions of Web sites at immediate risk. Hackers ZDNet says a hole in Internet Information Server 5.0, described as serious, could give system level access to a hacker. * Click here for Hackers ZDNet Report on Security Hole * Click here for MS Security Bulletin MS01-023 and patch 02 May 2001 - Virus protection for Intuit QuickBooks 2001 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that if the reported error pops up in QuickBooks 2001 when attempting to access Common Payroll Setup, a Visual Basic Script e-mail virus may be to blame. Read the bug report for the error message and a workaround. 01 May 2001 - Crashing With Netscape Communicator 4.77 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that Netscape Communicator 4.77 installs the Beatnik add-in, which is used at Web sites with embedded RMF content by default. If a computer does not have a sound card and visits one of these sites, the computer may crash. Netscape says to avoid this by removing Beatnik from the computer. Do this by following the steps in the bug report. Top of Page Macintosh 20 May 2001 - Power Mac G3 May Lock Up In Photoshop MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that a blue and white Power Macintosh G3 may lock up or redraw the screen "incorrectly" when working in Photoshop, says Adobe. Read the bug report to find out where to download the ATI Video Software Update, that should resolve the problem. 10 May 2001 - When Quark XPress 4.11 Crashes MSNBC Bug Of The Day says according to Quark, QuarkXPress 4.11 for Macintosh (68k and PowerPC) may crash under these circumstances: A QuarkXPress library is open, and the user tries to import an Adobe Acrobat PDF using the PDF Import filter 1.51. Read the bug report in order to find out how to prevent this situation. 01 May 2001 - Virex Update To Virus DAT For Scan Engine Available Networks Associates Technology, Inc. has the current Virex Scan Engine Version: 4131. Includes these Virus Definition files: 4134. For further information, read the Release Notes for this Virex Virus Update. Top of Page Linux 31 May 2001 - LWN User Survey In This Week's LWN Weekly Edition Daily news says "as was mentioned in this week's LWN Weekly Edition, we are currently running a user survey. We hope to both learn how to improve LWN, and to get some statistical information to give to advertisers to help us to pay for this whole thing. We would much appreciate it if you could help us out. Please consider taking a minute to fill out the survey and help us out. We much appreciate it. 31 May 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for May 31, 2001 has been published. Security section covers such items as: European Parliament recommends encryption and Open Source software, new vulnerabilities in gnupg, Webmin, and TWIG. 30 May 2001 - LinuxUser: Issue 11 Special Edition Daily news says LinuxUser has also published their article on how Microsoft has locked out Unix/Linux clients from UK Government sites. "The second, and far more serious, issue is that individuals and organisations not running Microsoft products are prevented from using the Gateway's authentication service, due to the requirement for proprietary PKI technologies on the client computer. The site claims that other browsers do not give proper support for SSL and digital certificates." A PDF version of this document is also available. 30 May 2001 - LinuxUser: Issue 9 Daily news says the online version of LinuxUser, Issue 9, is now available for download in PDF format. This issue includes a cover story on Samba, "The NT Killer", and stories on the OSDEM conference, a comparison on Linux and BSD and real time operating systems. 30 May 2001 - Quarterly CERT summary Daily news says here is the quarterly CERT summary listing the most significant outstanding security issues on the net. There are few surprises there - things like the same old BIND vulnerabilities. It's worth a look, though, to see where you stand with regard to the current set of problems. 30 May 2001 - IPFilter removed from OpenBSD Daily news says Theo de Raadt sent us an OpenBSD log message documenting the removal of the IPFilter package from OpenBSD. This action has happened, of course, as a result of the licensing problems documented in last week's LWN weekly edition. Anybody who wants the other side of the story might want to check out IPFilter author Darren Reed's comments attached to this article in the OpenBSD journal. They speak for themselves. 30 May 2001 - The RISKS of calculating Pi in binary Daily news says from the RISKS digest we have this bit of amusement on the dangers of calculating Pi in binary. Among other things, one risks prosecution for violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and exposure to nasty cracking software. Be careful out there. 25 May 2001 - Security Holes In Linux 6 Through 7 MSNBC Bug Of The Day reports that several security holes have been found in the kernel. Red Hat has released an update package for Red Hat Linux 6 through 7. Additional information and links to architecture specific RPMs are available at: 25 May 2001 - Embedded Linux Newsletter for May 24, 2001 Daily news says the weekly summary of the Embedded Linux world has been published by This past week saw stories on the Hi-Muse musical appliance, HA support for Hard Hat Linux, and an opinion piece on why Linux will trounce competitors in the embedded market space. 24 May 2001 - Slackware Users Should Upgrade MSNBC Bug Of The Day says Slackware is strongly encouraging users of Slackware Linux 7.1 and current to upgrade sudo. This release fixes a known buffer overflow vulnerability. Read the bug report to links to downloads. 24 May 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for May 24th, 2001 has been published. Security highlingts: Code scanners, defacements get too numerous and SDMI faulters. 17 May 2001 - The Cheese worm: A welcome helper? Hackers ZDNet says System administrators, worldwide reported signs on Wednesday that another self-spreading program -- or worm -- had started to infect Linux systems. * Click here for MSNBC Story: 'Benevolent' worm hits Linux boxes 17 May 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for May , 2001 has been published. says the Weekly Edition for May 17, 2001 has been published. Security: A worm to fix cracked hosts, new vulnerabilities in CUPS and sendfile, lots of distribution patches. 17 May 2001 - Latest Embedded Linux Newsletter Released says the latest edition of the Embedded Linux Newsletter has been published. This week topics included a feature article on switching from Windows to Linux, news on Loki and Nokia bringing Linux games to the Nokia Media Terminal, and a report on Motorola's upgrades to its Linux for telecom applications. 11 May 2001 - Embedded Linux Newsletter for May 10, 2001 says this weeks Embedded Linux Newsletter has been published. Topics this past week included discussions on Memora's Servio Personal Server, Hard Hat's China venture, a ready to use Java stack for embedded Linux devices, and the free vs patented software debate. 10 May 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for May 10th, 2001 has been published. Some of the Security items are: Immunix 7.0 released with licensing changes, Turbolinux "spring cleaning", OpenSSH 2.9, new vulnerabilities in cron, Samba, minicom, and man-db. 03 May 2001 - Latest Linux Weekly News Released Weekly Edition for May 03rd, 2001 has been published. Top of Page Miscellaneous 31 May 2001 - Reminder: SULFNBK.EXE is a Virus HOAX! As Kaspersky Lab reported earlier last week, the virus hoax SULFNBK has been making the rounds as also witnessed by other anti-virus developers sending out a warning beacon. It is necessary to convince users that this type of virus does not actually exist, and we classify this as a VIRUS HOAX. 31 May 2001 - Hacker Finds Excite@Home Security Hole MSNBC Tech News says not all hackers are bad--just ask Excite@Home. The company shored up its online defenses after a hacker, known by the alias "Adrien Lamo", pointed out a vulnerability in April that allowed access to the company's internal network and exposed nearly 3 million support records to the public. * Infowar Story: Hacker Helps Excite@Home Mend Security Holes 31 May 2001 - Invaders Exploit SETI@home MSNBC Tech News says SETI@home works as a screen-saver, looking for telltale patterns within raw radio data and exchanging information with central computer servers. Some users figured out how to tap into that data exchange. 30 May 2001 - Frontpage News on Infowar.Com A couple of interesting security stories: * Defense Department Agency Confirms Defacements The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) today confirmed that two of its Web sites were defaced by cyber-vandals late last week. * SourceForge Server Compromised In Attack Open-source software development site is warning many of its users to change their passwords following an attack early last week in which intruders compromised one of the site's servers. 30 May 2001 - OpenPGP Alliance Omits PGP Security The Register reports that the organisation OpenPGP Alliance, formed to promote compatibility between different implementations of OpenPGP standard, does not include Network Associates, which is the main supplier of PGP-based encryption products for business. The OpenPGP Alliance, was founded by PGP creator Phil Zimmermann. Network Associates, whose PGP Security division owns the source code and trademark for the popular PGP encryption package first developed by Zimmermann in 1991. Follow the link for John Leyden's complete article. 30 May 2001 - Windows Raises Hacking Insurance Prices Hackers ZDNet says hack attacks prompt underwriter to slap a five to 15 percent premium on insurance premiums for firms using Windows - and IIS will be next. Linux Weekly news says the economic advantages of Linux are becoming clearer. * CNet: Windows users pay extra for hacker insurance 28 May 2001 - MSNBC Technology Front Page Security and Privacy issues posted at MSNBC Tech News: * Health site exposed customer info A government health information Web site exposed information about thousands of people who asked for pamphlets and brochures about drug and alcohol addiction. The data made its way out onto the Internet because of a flaw found weeks ago in popular shopping cart software called PDG. * Cybercrime pact tightens privacy rules Stiff criticism from the EU and pressure groups has prompted drafters of the worlds first treaty against cybercrime, to tighten provisions protecting privacy online, the final text showed Friday. * Privacy Web sites launched Maintaining online privacy has just gotten a little bit easier. The Internet advertising industry has set up two new Web sites that let computer users block their personal data from being collected. 25 May 2001 - White House Confirms Third DoS Attack In A Month Hackers ZDNet says the White House Web site has been hit by its third denial of service attack this month, which rendered the site inaccessible for more than six hours on Tuesday. 25 May 2001 - European Parliament Urges Protection Against Echelon Hackers ZDNet says a major investigation into the communications spy network says European business and individuals should encrypt all emails, and that open source software could hold the key. 24 May 2001 - CERT, The Internet Warning System Attacked MSNBC Tech News says unknown attackers inundated the Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center with data Wednesday, cutting off the public's access to the organization largely responsible for warning others on the Internet about computer-security threats. 23 May 2001 - Canadian Web Site "A&B Sound" Hacked says CD and movie retailer A&B Sound has shut down its Web site following a breach of security that exposed the credit card numbers and expiry dates of some customers. * A&B Sound Press Release 22 May 2001 - Defacement Mirror Will No Longer Be Maintained is a non-profit hobby site run by a handful of volunteers in their free time. They say in part "A 'hobby' is supposed to be enjoyable. Maintaining the mirror is becoming a thankless chore. With that, the mirror will no longer be maintained. We've served our time." * Attrition: Latest Hacked Web Sites * Attrition down?! Oh my! 22 May 2001 - Roaming Euro in Palm OS MSNBC Bug Of The Day says according to Handspring, the good news is 3Com has added support for the Euro currency symbol ($) to the Palm OS. That's the version the Visor handheld uses. The bad news: the Euro symbol may pop up in odd places on some older third-party applications. To correct the problem, request an updated version of the application from the software vendor. 22 May 2001 - UK Sunday Swoop Nets Software Pirate Ring Infowar.Com News says a swoop on a local Sunday market in Coleshill, Warwickshire, earlier this month has netted a major piracy trading ring. The pirates, a group of traders, were suspected of producing pirated Playstation and Dreamcast software on a large scale, and selling it to an unsuspecting public at discount prices. 22 May 2001 - Ex-KGB Expert Unveils New Computer Shield Hackers ZDNet says the one-time head of KGB overseas code-scrambling and an ex-director of the CIA rolled out Monday what they called a revolutionary way of hiding Internet communications from prying eyes and would-be intruders. 20 May 2001 - Trojan Picks the Pockets of WebMoney Users Kaspersky Lab unveils a large-scale Internet defrauding scheme. They are warning users about the detection of the new, exceptionally dangerous Trojan, "Eurosol." This Trojan steals a users personal account information from the international finance system "WebMoney." 20 May 2001 - How the Government Will Track You Down Infowar.Com News reports from the commentary, Be afraid. Be very afraid. The government wants to use technology to track you down without a warrant. Do you trust these clowns? * Full story at yahoo news 17 May 2001 - Flaw Causes Credit Card Chaos MSNBC Tech News says in April, a devastating bug was found in shopping cart software called "PDG" that exposed all customer records on about 4,000 Web sites. The FBI issued a public warning directed at the software's customers, but a small e-commerce Web site named didn't notice. Within days, computer criminals had a field day, wracking up thousands of dollars of charges on victims cards at gambling sites, buying phone cards and downloading pricey software. Follow the link, for a look at the chaos caused in people's lives by one simple technology mistake. 17 May 2001 - Court Shows No 'Mercy' For Defiant Software Pirate Infowar.Com News says a Chicago federal court has shown little lenience in handing down its guilty verdict against 28-year-old Christian Morley, a.k.a. "Mercy," for his role in the underground software piracy group known as "Pirates with Attitudes." According to court documents, Pirates with Attitudes was a "warez" site that maintained strict access control via passwords and an intricate IP address registration scheme. 16 May 2001 - What To Do About Visor After A HotSync? MSNBC Bug Of The Day says the To Do List items may not be readable on a Handspring Visor device after a HotSync. According to Handspring, each item may contain characters resembling rectangles, rather than normal text. Read the bug report to find out how to correct the problem. 14 May 2001 - F-Secure Reports: A Number of HOAXES F-Secure asks that you please ignore these messages and don't spread them any further. * Pay-at-the-pump gas station incident hoax * Bill 602P hoax * Money Transfer hoax * Champagne Lovers chain letter * Gas Out chain letter * NEWYORK BIG DIRT and THE FUCKER message hoax * Cancer chain letter * Sulfnbk.exe virus hoax 14 May 2001 - Gatewaye Exposes Sensitive Customer Information Hacker News Network, says Gateway 2000 accidentally allowed their search engines to publish two Excel spreadsheets that contained very sensitive information. By searching for "delivery cost" on Gateway's UK website, the search engine exposed spreadsheets that revealed customer names, order details and phone numbers of 449 Gateway customers. This example demonstrates that even with a good search application, misconfiguration or user negligence will bypass security controls. @stake has a link to The Register story, or follow the above link. 14 May 2001 - Interpol Posts Advice Against IT Crime on Website Infowar.Com News says The international police organization Interpol has stepped up its action against cybercrime with a new section on its Web site on how to combat malicious computer viruses. * Click here for Interpol Website 13 May 2001 - Happy Mother's Day To All Moms Virus Help Team Canada wishes all the mom's out there, a very happy Mother's Day, and hope you have a nice one. ;) 11 May 2001 - NAI Reports: SULFNBK HOAX Network Associates has released a report on a hoax that says "McAfee AVERT Labs would like to inform you of a new email HOAX." NAI says this email message is just a HOAX. Although, the SULFNBK.EXE file may become infected by a number of valid viruses, the details of this message are not based on actual events. 11 May 2001 - Security New on Infowar.Com Infowar.Com Articles pertaining to security and privacy are: * European Officials Leave U.S. In Huff Over Spy Network Two prominent European Parliament officials are canceling the rest of their trip to Washington, D.C., and returning to Europe after the State and Commerce Departments, as well as the CIA and National Security Agency, rebuffed their efforts to learn more about the Echelon spy system. * Privacy Commission Bill Debuts In Senate Two Senators, Wednesday introduced a bill to establish a privacy commission to study ways that federal, state and local governments collect and use personal data, including FBI e-mail interception. 11 May 2001 - Customers Lose Sympatico E-mail National Post Online TechNews said e-mail service for all of Bell Canada's 200,000 high-speed and dial-up business customers in Ontario and Quebec was unavailable during office hours yesterday because of a technical glitch, the company said. 11 May 2001 - Kaspersky Labs Int. Newsletter You can find the latest KLab Newsletter by following the above link. 11 May 2001 - 2001: Year Of The Virus MSNBC Tech News says the pace of malicious mailings is picking up. One virus scanning company has already trapped more e-mail viruses so far this year than in the whole of 2000. 10 May 2001 - Homepage Worm Dies Out Hackers ZDNet says the worldwide flood of emails caused by the virus is starting to dry up, say antivirus experts, less than 24 hours after the malicious attachment first went out. What is most disturbing about the success of the Homepage worm, according to antivirus experts, is that many companies are still not blocking Visual Basic attachments from entering their systems -- a step they could easily take using basic filtering technology. 09 May 2001 - Workshop: Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare 2001 Infowar.Com News reports You are Cordially Invited to An International Workshop on "Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare 2001: Threats and Responses". Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2001 9:00 am 5:00pm, being held at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Arlington, Virginia. 08 May 2001 - NIPC Advisory: Ongoing DDoS Disruption Attempts National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) Advisory says they have received reliable information indicating ongoing attempts to disrupt web access to several sites. The activity has been seen from several networks, and consists entirely of fragmented large UDP packets directed at port 80. * Hackers Step Up Denial-of-Service Attacks 08 May 2001 - WashPost: Pentagon Computers Attacked MSNBC Tech News has a Washing Post article that says a series of sophisticated attempts to break into Pentagon computers has continued for more than three years, and an extensive investigation has produced "disturbingly few clues" about who is responsible, according to a member of the National Security Agency's advisory board. 08 May 2001 - Hackers Denied Access Hackers ZDNet says Access Research hopes to protect firms from spoofing, denial of service and Trojan attacks. Access Denied is a strong authentication system, preventing unauthorised users from connecting to company servers. 03 May 2001 - Flaming Batteries Cause Dell Recall Woe VNUNet Bugs and Fixes department says Dell is recalling batteries sold with 284,000 of its Inspiron 5000 and 5000e consumer notebooks after one caught fire. Follow the link to's complete article. 03 May 2001 - Apple Powerbook 'bomb' Shuts Airport The Register has a story from April 23rd that says a Californian airport was closed for six hours on Friday, following a bomb scare. And the 'culprit'? Step forward the Titanium Powerbook G4. 02 May 2001 - $1M Hacker Dare Planned To Promote Net Security Device Infowar.Com News says a year-old security technology company from Canada is so sure its products can protect PCs from Net-connected hackers that it is planning a million-dollar challenge to prove it. Vikash Sami is founder and CEO of Burnaby, B.C.-based Saafnet International Inc. * Saafnet is at 02 May 2001 - Hackers ZDNet Special News Items Hackers ZDNet latest security concern articles: * Staff oblivious to computer security threats Survey finds users still leave passwords on their desks * FBI 'hack' could set dangerous precedent An FBI operation to obtain evidence on two Russian hackers, from servers based in Russia, could give intelligence angents free reign to hack computers outside the US 01 May 2001 - Government Directory Helps You Play Big Brother Infowar.Com News says a useful site created for the US government offers perks such as how to obtain free unclaimed money and how to search for criminal records and check backgrounds of other residents, as well as listing businesses throughout the US. Top of Page Back to the News Archives page