VS II Shell IconD VirusSlayer II Homepage at VHT-Canada
                           About VirusSlayer II

                           By Martin Zemblowski

                       Jump to VirusSlayer II Links

   [Information from Virus Slayer II Guide]
   Virus Slayer II is SHAREWARE so if you use it, please send me a
   donation 10 USD or 20 DM.

   Virus Slayer II is a new virus-killer. It is working in internal
   multitasking (90%). That means you can view infected files during
   scanning operation, repair them, delete them etc. It is fast, user-
   friendly and highly reliable. VS II uses xvs.library, so it detects
   as much viruses, or even more, as other viruskillers do.

   - file scanning (including decrunching and repairing- XVS and XFD
     are used)
   - memory scanning (uses xvs and internal library with some viruses)
   - bootblock checking (uses xvs)
   - Arexx port

   * All Amigas with OS2.04 or higher
   * xvs.library
     Copyright Georg Hörmann, Alex van Niel and Jan Erik Olausen
     Not included within this archive
     [Available on the VHT-Canada download page]
   * xfdmaster.library
     Copyright Georg Hörmann and Dirk Stöcker
     Not included within this archive
     [Available on the VHT-Canada download page]
   * MUI v3.6+
     Copyright Stefan Stuntz
     Not included within this archive
     [Available on Aminet - see links below]
   * reqtools.library v38.11 or higher
     Copyright Nico François and Magnus Holmgren
     Not included within this archive
     [Available on the VHT-Canada download page]
   * reqtools.library v39.1+ (optional update to v38.11)
     Copyright Nico François, Magnus Holmgren, AROS Team
     Not included within this archive
     [Available on the VHT-Canada download page]
   * VirusSlayer II Extras (optional)
     Copyright Charlene of Virus Help Team Canada
     Not included within this archive
     [Available on the VHT-Canada download page]

   For more info, please contact:
   Programmer:    Martin Zemblowski
                  ul.Szpunara 6d/6
                  81-186 Gdynia
                  E-mail: dran@rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl

   Press here to get my PGP public key.

                       About VirusSlayer II Extras

                                By Charlene

   Virus Slayer II Extras is a collection of icons plus an IconX script
   file, in order to run VirusSlayer from the Workbench. VirusSlayerII
   is normally controlled via ARexx and thus enables the user to
   interact with it from programs like e.g. DirectoryOpus.

   1) Replace the scripts path to the VSII.exe, with your own path to
   the program.   ie. If VSII.exe is in your VC: directory, the c:run
   command line, would look like this:
   c:run >NIL: "VC:VSII.exe"

   2) You can rename the script/icon from VSII to anything you choose,
   -except- to the same name as the executable. (ie. do not name it

   For more info, please contact:

   Released by:   Charlene
                  VHT-Canada Contact Form

   Press here to get my PGP public key.

                            About Xvs.library
                     The eXternal Virus Support Library
        Copyright Georg Hörmann, Alex van Niel and Jan Erik Olausen

   [Information from Virus Help Denmark]
   The entire XVS software package is written and copyright 1997-99 by
   Georg Hvrmann. During December 1999 to June 2001, Alex van Niel took
   over programming. Additional changes and updates during June 2001 and
   onwards are copyright 2001 Georg Hörmann and Jan Erik Olausen.

   This Library contains all the virus recognition and removal code that
   was formerly included in VirusZ. This step has been taken for one
   major reason: VirusZ can be updated fast without releasing the whole
   package every week by simply releasing a new library version.
   So simply install the library in this archive to your LIBS: drawer
   to get 100% protection against the latest viruses.
   Right now there are a few anti-virus that uses the xvs.library to
   find and remove the nasty viruses. Here are the names:
   VirusZ II & III - VirusChecker II - VirusExecutor - VirusSlayer II
   CheckX - Safe.

   [Note from Virus Help Team Canada]
   Andrew Bell uses Xvs.library in Voodoo-X, which is the GUI for the
   XAD package from Dirk Stoecker.

   You can contact the programmer at this address:

   Georg Hoermann
   Martinswinkelstrasse 16c
   82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
   Email: contact form
   * Georg's public PGP key

                          About xfdmaster.library

                             Decruncher System
                 Copyright Georg Hörmann and Dirk Stöcker
   [Information from xfdmaster.library Homepage]
   As Georg Hörmann has not longer time to develop both xfdmaster
   library and VirusZ antivirus program (together with xvs.library),
   I (Dirk Stöcker) do further updates.
   This software package allows you to decrunch almost every packed
   file known on the Amiga. It consists of the xfdmaster.library as
   the brain and a couple of programs that offer certain functions to
   the user.
   The xfdmaster.library is a standard Amiga shared, runtime library.
   It works with Kickstart V33+ and offers applications the possibility
   to directly support any crunched files.
   The xfdmaster.library has a very flexible interface, offers the
   possibility to decrunch already loaded program segments, supports
   external decrunchers, is able to unlink 4EB9/4EF9- and text-linked
   files and can scan for crunched data in any memory area.
   New crunchers, linkers, crunched files, linked files, comments and
   any other new stuff is welcome.

                            VirusSlayer II Links

   * Downloads Page has: VirusSlayer II
                         reqtools.library (optional AROS version)
                         VirusSlayer II Extras (optional)
   * Aminet: Search MUI 3.8

   Back to Links page.

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VHT-CAN and our webhoster disclaimes any responsibility for software
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